SolarPod Crown installed on church roof

electrical-contractors-san-luis-obispoSolarPod Crown installed on church roof

– Mouli Engineering is proud to announce a 40 kW SolarPodTM Crown installation in the City of San Luis Obispo. This was installed by experienced electricians from San Luis Obispo electrical contractors Electricraft Inc and permitted by the City of San Luis Obispo & Electricraft Inc electric company. The cement tile roof at the United Methodist Church made it a challenge. Jeff Rudd of Electricraft researched his options, he could not use any traditional solar racking solutions. He was recommended the innovative SolarPod Crown as the perfect solution.

“The innovative design, simple construction and authentic testing ensure we can use the SolarPod Crown in this installation on the church roof. We had two men working for 12 days to complete this job. This was our first installation of SolarPod Crown and we now feel this system can be used in many gable roof installations” said Jeff Rudd, Solar Project Manager at Electricraft.

“This installation in the City of San Luis Obispo shows how we can execute any gable roof project. The versatility in application for any roofing materials is a great advantage. Besides the low cost and very high reliability, the versatility in applications makes SolarPod Crown the most sort after racking for sloped roofs by installers” said Mouli Vaidyanathan founder and designer of the SolarPodTM products. The SolarPodTM Crown is now approved in many US Cities.

Electricraft, Inc., based in San Luis Obispo is a family owned electrical contractor specializing in Commercial, Residential, Public and Solar installations. They are fully insured, licensed by the state of California, and have a large bonding capacity. They have 300+ years of combined electrical experience. They have been in business since 1984. More information at:

Mouli Engineering, Inc., based in Eagan, Minnesota, was founded by Mouli Vaidyanathan, PhD, PE, who has over 20 years of engineering experience in state of the art semiconductor yield engineering, failure analysis, and product design. Mouli Engineering holds the patents on the SolarPodTM products and several other inventions. More information is available at:

Electricraft, Inc.
205 South Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 544-8224