San Luis Obispo solar technician skill for public works projects
Electricraft, Inc. is the San Luis Obispo solar and electrical contracting company with extensive experience in providing contracting services for public works projects. The company management has prepared this report that highlights the top issues that public works agencies encounter when preparing to launch an electrical or solar public works project.
Electrical and solar projects for public works have a great amount of public exposure. These projects are tax-funded and even though providing services for community improvement and economic benefits everyone is watching. Some of those watchers line up at the city council or county board meetings, write letters to the editor and use social media to make sure their tax-dollars are being spent wisely.
The challenges
Government agencies have an obligation to their communities to get the “biggest bang for the buck.” This means that there’s more to sending out a Request for Quote (RFQ) looking for the lowest bid. It means:
- Describing the project goals, objectives, details and benchmarks as clearly as possible to draw bids from the most qualified electrical contracting companies.
- Being able to write the RFQ specifications clearly and precisely, including expressing budget restraints.
- A solid understanding of the electrical contracting skills and experience that is needed to complete a quality job efficiently, on time, and within the proposed budget.
- Awarding the bid to the electrical contracting company with the best experience and expertise to deliver the project with excellence.
- If the agency doesn’t have a preferred vendor list, it means that some knowledge of the electrical contracting and solar companies in the community is necessary to know which companies to invite to bid the job.
Keeping tax dollars local
In awarding the contract, the agency wants to be sure that the best San Luis Obispo County solar or electrical contractor for the job has been selected so that the public interest and confidence is best served. Awarding contracts locally also benefits the local economy.
The Institute for Local Self Reliance reports that giving preference to local vendors can actually benefit local government finances, “even if it means spending a little more” According to this report when local governments spend money with local business, those firms rely on local labor and other local businesses. “Each additional dollar that circulates locally boosts local economic activity, employment, and, ultimately, tax revenue.”
Understanding the industries
Electrical contracting projects range from wiring single homes and commercial buildings to entire complexes including business parks, hospital and medical clinic campuses and public works projects from public parks and buildings to specialized projects such as water treatment plants.
The solar industry ranges from installing solar panels to providing the complex electrical wiring that connects the panels to buildings to deliver power.
Getting quotes for solar projects in San Luis Obispo County does not mean two different projects. It’s not necessarily the case that one company installs the solar panels and another performs the electrical contracting to connect the panels.
Single sourcing solar and electrical contracting projects
Electricraft, Inc. has expertise in both solar technology and electrical contracting and is able to provide 100-percent service for any solar public works project. A local company since 1984, Electricraft has completed numerous electrical contracting and solar installation projects, providing all of the panels, electrical connections, wiring and obtaining regulatory sign-offs.
The wider the range of experience an electrical contracting company has, the more experience and benefits it brings to the project. The more varied the experience in terms of the size and scope of projects and sectors that have been served the better. A wide range of experience means the key team leaders are in the best positions to foresee potential problems and provide upfront solutions, accurately assess the scope of the job, ask the right questions, quickly and safely troubleshoot and resolve issues and prevent costly delays.
The team members have more that 300 years of combined experience in general electrical construction, service, project management, and turnkey design/build experience.
Electricraft, Inc. is insured with a large bonding capacity for every project. The team members have all of the required licenses and certifications to make sure that every solar installation and electrical contracting project comes in on-time, within budget and to the customer’s satisfaction.
Contact Electricraft, Inc. today to discover the benefits we bring to public works projects.