The real estate industry has established that installing solar increases residential property values from $40,000 to $50,000 but the jury is still out on the dollar value solar adds to commercial property. Even though commercial properties have high property value that appreciates over time, the solar installation team from San Luis Obispo’s Electricraft, Inc, recognizes that the earliest return on investment from solar is the savings that can be passed to the tenants.
Business owners choose commercial facilities based on a number of factors, including:
- A location that is convenient and appealing for the customer base.
- Amenities such a lobby reception, restrooms, elevators, drinking water, conference rooms and more.
- Parking and security.
- An affordable rent/lease payment.
Every savvy property developer and commercial property manager also keeps potential resale value in the back of his or her mind. Even though the exact dollar amount that solar contributes to the value of commercial properties varies from property-to-property, there is the value of community goodwill that comes with installing solar.
The United States Department of Energy reports that “Solar energy is the fastest growing and most affordable source of new electricity in America.” Commercial tenants pay good money to lease space in a commercial building that is in a good location and provides the amenities needed to help businesses succeed. Electrical power is a massive expense for commercial buildings and when the building is solar-powered that is a huge savings that can be passed on to the tenants
The San Luis Obispo solar installation team reports that the benefits of solar for commercial buildings include:
- Reduced operating costs that can be passed on to tenants. Competitive lease payments and reduced energy costs cultivate tenant loyalty. Long-term loyal tenants are more cost-effective than high-rent paying tenants that don’t stay.
- At some point, the reduced operating costs that result from solar installation are an added value when it comes time to sell the property.
- Savings from taking advantage of government tax credits.
- Commercial solar installations garner community goodwill. Today’s communities are demonstrating increasing favoritism towards business that follow environmentally sustainable practices.
- Support local economy by hiring local experienced electricians and solar installers.
The team from Electricraft, Inc. has been serving the local community since it was founded in 1984. Electrical projects and solar installations have included residential, commercial, public works, medical facilities and more.
The team of San Luis Obispo electricians and solar installers brings a breadth of skills, experience and commitment to every project that includes:
- A commitment to the quality of life in San Luis Obispo County by improving and delivering quality electrical and solar services to homes, businesses, schools and public infrastructures.
- A professional team with each member trained, certified, licensed and experienced in every aspect of electrical company or solar projects.
- Attention to detail that delivers reasonable estimates, accurate RFI/RFPs (Requests for Information/Proposal), and makes sure every project is sufficiently supplied, equipped, and is completed on time.
- A professional relationship with planning and building departments and code inspectors to help make sure plans are approved, permits are issued, and inspections are passed.
- State-of-the-art electrical wiring and systems that meet the highest standards of performance and safety for every need from home lighting and appliances to supporting life-saving medical equipment and emergency dispatch services
- A leader in green initiatives, including solar power, by delivering energy and cost saving technologies
- A well-trained and experienced team that can plan and complete any electrical or solar project on time and cost-effectively
The more varied a team’s experience the more value the company brings to each project of every size. Electricraft, Inc. does it all from supporting homeowners and small business owners to complex, technical enterprise and public works projects.