Kids of all ages enjoy the bright cheerful neighborhood holiday light displays. Every year the displays get more fanciful and elaborate than the year before and bring weeks of entertainment to communities. Getting the holiday lights up and the displays working is certainly a labor of love because it is hard work. The team from Electricraft, Inc., the San Luis Obispo electrical company has some tips for safe decorating.
- Take your time. There’s a lot to do over the holidays and it’s easy to get rushed, then someone gets hurt. So, slow down and plan out what you are doing ahead of time.
- Get someone to help, especially when a ladder is involved. Having someone hold the ladder and hand things to you is easier than climbing up and down carrying things. Rig up a bucket on a rope as a carrier and use that to move things up and down from the eaves or roof.
- Test all lights and extension cords before stringing them. It’s easier to replace bulbs before putting the lights up! Check the cords and bulbs a few days before you plan on putting them up. This gives you a few days to replace the bulbs or buy new strings of lights.
- Only use extension cords that are appropriate for the job.
- Only use outside lights that are labeled for outdoor use.
- Choose LED lights. They don’t get as hot, reducing fire danger, and last longer.
- Don’t use damaged cords.
- Be careful to not get tangled in the cords while putting up holiday lights. Make sure they are securely fastened before plugging them in.
- Check batteries and motors on moving parts of displays to make sure everything is in safe working order.
- Put lights and displays on automatic timers so you don’t forget to turn off the lights and displays.
- Plug outdoor lights and decorations into “GFCI” grounding outlets. Portable GFCI units can be purchased where electric suppliers are sold, or call the San Luis Obispo electrical company and get them installed before it’s time to decorate.
- Make sure receptacles that are outside are weather-resistant.
- Always look up before decorating outdoors. Never raise ladders or extend objects into or near power lines.
- Use only lights approved by OSHA-certified laboratories, like Underwriters Laboratory (UL).
- Don’t run extension cords under rugs or lay them in the path of traffic through the house or yard.
- Don’t leave outdoor extension cords in the driveway where they might be run over by a vehicle.
- Don’t fasten strings of lights by pushing tacks through the cord.
- Keep lights safe distances from flammable materials.
This might seem like a long list of “don’ts” but we all want safe and happy holidays. The team from the San Luis Obispo electrical company wants everyone to be safe and enjoy their holiday festivities.
Electricraft, Inc., is a local family-owned business that has been serving the Central Coast communities since 1984.
The support that Electricraft brings to every residential, commercial and public project, small or large, includes:
- A commitment to the quality of life in San Luis Obispo County by improving and delivering quality electrical services to homes, businesses, schools and public infrastructures.
- A professional team with each member trained, certified, licensed and experienced in every aspect of electrical or solar projects.
- Reasonable and accurate estimates that make sure every project is sufficiently supplied, equipped, and completed on time.